How to avoid surrounding html head tags in Jsoup parse

You can try using the XML parser, but this doesn't always work because HTML is not always XML; it often has unterminated tags like <img> and <br>. It's better to stick with the HTML parser. You can rely on there being <html>, <head>, and <body> tags and they are easy to discard. Just get your fragment of HTML by selecting the body tag and ask for its HTML.

Document doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html);

To get the expected output it would actually be:

final String html = "<p><b>This <i>is</i></b> <i>my sentence</i> of text.</p>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html);


The cause:

parseBodyFragment() as well as all other parse()-methods use a HTML parser by default. And those add always the HTML-Shell (<html>…</html>, <head>…</head> etc.).

The Solution:

Just don't use a HTML-parser, use a XML-parser instead ;-)

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, "", Parser.xmlParser());

Replace that single line and your problem is solved.


final String html = "<p><b>This <i>is</i></b> <i>my sentence</i> of text.</p>";

Document docHtml = Jsoup.parse(html);
Document docXml = Jsoup.parse(html, "", Parser.xmlParser());

System.out.println("******* HTML *******\n" + docHtml);
System.out.println("*******  XML *******\n" + docXml);


******* HTML *******
  <p><b>This <i>is</i></b> <i>my sentence</i> of text.</p>

*******  XML *******
<p><b>This <i>is</i></b> <i>my sentence</i> of text.</p>