How to avoid "CUDA out of memory" in PyTorch

Try not drag your grads too far.

I got the same error when I tried to sum up loss in all batches.

loss =  self.criterion(pred, label)

total_loss += loss

Then I use loss.item instead of loss which requires grads, then solved the problem

loss =  self.criterion(pred, label)

total_loss += loss.item()

The solution below is credited to yuval reina in the kaggle question

This error is related to the GPU memory and not the general memory => @cjinny comment might not work.
Do you use TensorFlow/Keras or Pytorch?
Try using a smaller batch size.
If you use Keras, Try to decrease some of the hidden layer sizes.
If you use Pytorch:
do you keep all the training data on the GPU all the time?
make sure you don't drag the grads too far
check the sizes of you hidden layer


import torch

provides a good alternative for clearing the occupied cuda memory and we can also manually clear the not in use variables by using,

import gc
del variables

But still after using these commands, the error might appear again because pytorch doesn't actually clears the memory instead clears the reference to the memory occupied by the variables. So reducing the batch_size after restarting the kernel and finding the optimum batch_size is the best possible option (but sometimes not a very feasible one).

Another way to get a deeper insight into the alloaction of memory in gpu is to use:

torch.cuda.memory_summary(device=None, abbreviated=False)

wherein, both the arguments are optional. This gives a readable summary of memory allocation and allows you to figure the reason of CUDA running out of memory and restart the kernel to avoid the error from happening again (Just like I did in my case).

Passing the data iteratively might help but changing the size of layers of your network or breaking them down would also prove effective (as sometimes the model also occupies a significant memory for example, while doing transfer learning).

Send the batches to CUDA iteratively, and make small batch sizes. Don't send all your data to CUDA at once in the beginning. Rather, do it as follows:

for e in range(epochs):
    for images, labels in train_loader:   
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            images, labels = images.cuda(), labels.cuda()   
        # blablabla  

You can also use dtypes that use less memory. For instance, torch.float16 or torch.half.

Just reduce the batch size, and it will work. While I was training, it gave following error:

CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 20.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 4.29 GiB already allocated; 10.12 MiB free; 4.46 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

And I was using batch size of 32. So I just changed it to 15 and it worked for me.