How to apply theme to jupyter lab

I bit the bullet, and figured out how to write a full custom theme as an extension.

The process is:

  1. Copy the Light theme from jupyterlab/packages to your own repository.
  2. Edit the package metadata in package.json and src/index.ts
  3. Edit the CSS stylesheets in styles
  4. Install the theme using jupyter labextensions install .
    • You may need to manually generate dependencies using node

Here is my theme for future reference -


There's now a cookiecutter template to make it easier:

UPDATE 02/03/2018 Now this option is already built in in the settings menu!

enter image description here

Recently this issue was closed on the GitHub, and finally it is possible to edit settings of the jupyter lab. Hurray!

The procedure is described in this pull request.

Just update your jupyter-lab (now it is version 0.27.0) and go to File - Settings, then select Theme tab. And type your theme name in the User Overrides and press the check-mark at the right of the string. I tried several, but only "theme": "JupyterLab Dark" seems to work. Enough for me.

Apply dark theme to jupyter lab

enter image description here

I really appreciate the work the jupyter team is doing. Thank you all!