How to add OnClick Event on labels in Chart.js v2.0?

in chart.js 2.5 (maybe even earlier) you can put an onClick in the options:

'legend' : {
    'onClick' : function (evt, item) {
                    console.log ('legend onClick', evt, item);
    'display' : true,
    'labels' : ...

getElementsAtEvent checks only the main elements of the chart (bars, points, sectors...). If you want to consider labels too, you'll have to reimplement the functionality for labels.

Most of the code you need is already available in different methods in the Chart.js library code. Just copy-paste / cleanup as done below.


Your click hander should be

$('#myChart').click(function (e) {
    var helpers = Chart.helpers;

    var eventPosition = helpers.getRelativePosition(e, myRadarChart.chart);
    var mouseX = eventPosition.x;
    var mouseY = eventPosition.y;

    var activePoints = [];
    // loop through all the labels
    helpers.each(myRadarChart.scale.ticks, function (label, index) {
        for (var i = this.getValueCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // here we effectively get the bounding box for each label
            var pointLabelPosition = this.getPointPosition(i, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(this.options.reverse ? this.min : this.max) + 5);

            var pointLabelFontSize = helpers.getValueOrDefault(this.options.pointLabels.fontSize,;
            var pointLabeFontStyle = helpers.getValueOrDefault(this.options.pointLabels.fontStyle,;
            var pointLabeFontFamily = helpers.getValueOrDefault(this.options.pointLabels.fontFamily,;
            var pointLabeFont = helpers.fontString(pointLabelFontSize, pointLabeFontStyle, pointLabeFontFamily);
            ctx.font = pointLabeFont;

            var labelsCount = this.pointLabels.length,
                halfLabelsCount = this.pointLabels.length / 2,
                quarterLabelsCount = halfLabelsCount / 2,
                upperHalf = (i < quarterLabelsCount || i > labelsCount - quarterLabelsCount),
                exactQuarter = (i === quarterLabelsCount || i === labelsCount - quarterLabelsCount);
            var width = ctx.measureText(this.pointLabels[i]).width;
            var height = pointLabelFontSize;

            var x, y;

            if (i === 0 || i === halfLabelsCount)
                x = pointLabelPosition.x - width / 2;
            else if (i < halfLabelsCount)
                x = pointLabelPosition.x;
                x = pointLabelPosition.x - width;

            if (exactQuarter)
                y = pointLabelPosition.y - height / 2;
            else if (upperHalf)
                y = pointLabelPosition.y - height;
                y = pointLabelPosition.y

            // check if the click was within the bounding box
            if ((mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + height) && (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + width))
                activePoints.push({ index: i, label: this.pointLabels[i] });
    }, myRadarChart.scale);

    var firstPoint = activePoints[0];
    if (firstPoint !== undefined) {
        alert(firstPoint.index + ': ' + firstPoint.label);

Fiddle -