How to add ModelState.AddModelError message when model item is not binded

The ModelState is created at each request so you should use TempData.

public ActionResult Delete(string id, string productid)
    int records = DeleteItem(id,productid);
    if (records > 0)
        // since you are redirecting store the error message in TempData
        TempData["CustomError"] = "The item is removed from your cart";
        return RedirectToAction("Index1", "Shopping");
        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty,"The item cannot be removed");
        return View("Index1");

public ActionResult Index1()
    // check if TempData contains some error message and if yes add to the model state.
    if(TempData["CustomError"] != null)
        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, TempData["CustomError"].ToString());

    return View();

RedirectToAction will clear ModelState. You must return a view in order to use this data. Therefore, the first if case won't work. Also, ensure that you have a control in your view (like ValidationSummary) which displays the error... this could be the problem in the second case.