how to add href link in email content when sending email through smtplib

You should specify 'html' as the subtype -

msg = MIMEText(u'<a href="">abc</a>','html')

Without specifying the subtype separately , the subtype defaults to 'plain' (plain-text). From documentations -

class email.mime.text.MIMEText(_text[, _subtype[, _charset]])

A subclass of MIMENonMultipart, the MIMEText class is used to create MIME objects of major type text. _text is the string for the payload. _subtype is the minor type and defaults to plain.

(Emphasis mine) .

This worked for me :)

email_body = """<pre> 
Congratulations! We've successfully created account.
Go to the page: <a href="">click here</a>
XYZ Team.

msg = MIMEText(email_body ,'html')

O/P: Congratulations! We've successfully created account.

Go to the page: click here


XYZ Team.