How to add HashMap to ArrayList


prodHashMap.put("prod", tvProd.getText().toString());

You are using the same key each time you are adding an element to the the arraylist with the same reference to the HashMap thus changing its values.


create a new instance of HashMap each time you want to add it to the ArrayList to avoid changing its values upon calling addProd

public void addProd(View ap)
    // test arraylist of hashmaps
    HashMap<String, String> prodHashMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    prodHashMap.put("prod", tvProd.getText().toString());



    // check data ///

    Log.e("myLog","Data prodArrayList in ADD Method Size = "+prodArrayList.size());

    for(int i=0; i< prodArrayList.size();i++)
         Log.e("myLog","Data prodArrayList in ADD Method = "+prodArrayList.get(i).toString());