How to add class to only one of multiple same elements

You were on the right track by using $(this) but then reverted back to using $('.caret'). Do this:

$(".caret").click(function () {

Askers request to close all other .caret classes:

$(".caret").click(function () {

Your HTML is invalid so it is going to produce wrong HTML Markup in the browser. Not knowing how you actually want it to look, I can not offer a solution on fixing it. Once you get it fixed, The basic code should be

$('.caret').on('click', function () {
    $('.caret.opened') // all the open carets
      .not(this) // removed the one that was clicked
      .removeClass('opened'); // remove the class
      .toggleClass('opened'); // toggle the one that was clicked
      //.addClass('opened'); // if you want it always open

if one always has to be opened

$('.caret').on('click', function () {
    $('.caret.opened') // all the open carets
      .removeClass('opened'); // remove the class
      .addClass('opened'); // set clicked to open