How to add a sort key to an existing table in AWS Redshift


Amazon Redshift now enables users to add and change sort keys of existing Redshift tables without having to re-create the table. The new capability simplifies user experience in maintaining the optimal sort order in Redshift to achieve high performance as their query patterns evolve and do it without interrupting the access to the tables.


At the moment I think its not possible (hopefully that will change in the future). In the past when I ran into this kind of situation I created a new table and copied the data from the old one into it.


ADD [ COLUMN ] column_name Adds a column with the specified name to the table. You can add only one column in each ALTER TABLE statement.

You cannot add a column that is the distribution key (DISTKEY) or a sort key (SORTKEY) of the table.

You cannot use an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN command to modify the following table and column attributes:



REFERENCES (foreign key)


The maximum column name length is 127 characters; longer names are truncated to 127 characters. The maximum number of columns you can define in a single table is 1,600.

To add to Yaniv's answer, the ideal way to do this is probably using the CREATE TABLE AS command. You can specify the distkey and sortkey explicitly. I.e.

CREATE TABLE test_table_with_dist 
select * from test_table

Additional examples:


I've noticed that this method doesn't preserve encoding. Redshift only automatically encodes during a copy statement. If this is a persistent table you should redefine the table and specify the encoding.

create table test_table_with_dist(
    field1 varchar encode row distkey
    field2 timestam pencode delta sortkey);

insert into test_table select * from test_table;

You can figure out which encoding to use by running analyze compression test_table;

As Yaniv Kessler mentioned, it's not possible to add or change distkey and sort key after creating a table, and you have to recreate a table and copy all data to the new table. You can use the following SQL format to recreate a table with a new design.

ALTER TABLE test_table RENAME TO old_test_table;
CREATE TABLE new_test_table([new table columns]);
INSERT INTO new_test_table (SELECT * FROM old_test_table);
ALTER TABLE new_test_table RENAME TO test_table;
DROP TABLE old_test_table;

In my experience, this SQL is used for not only changing distkey and sortkey, but also setting the encoding(compression) type.