How to add a new page to the new link in the Customer Account page

The declaration \theoremstyle{theorem} is wrong: it's \usepackage{amsthm}. Then this will work:


\newtheorem*{newthm*}{\normalfont\scshape Newtheorem}


I want the "Newtheorem" to look like \textsc{Newtheorem}.

But instead, it looks like:

A Theorem


enter image description here

Of course.

Your RGB LED package electrically looks like this:

It contains three LEDs that have their cathodes wired together, so presents a total of 4 pins. Not running current thru any LED isn't going to affect the others.

Note that the point of a RGB LED package is usually to allow arbitrary colors to be displayed. If you had to run all the LEDs at the same current, you wouldn't really have any overall color choice.