How to add a button to a column in the DataGridView

Assuming you are in Windows Forms, you need to add a DataGridViewButtonColumn to your DataGridView - Not directly to the DataTable.

This should occur somewhere after you bind the DataTable to the DataGridView.

Something like this should work:

DataGridViewButtonColumn uninstallButtonColumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
uninstallButtonColumn.Name = "uninstall_column";
uninstallButtonColumn.Text = "Uninstall";
int columnIndex = 2;
if (dataGridViewSoftware.Columns["uninstall_column"] == null)
    dataGridViewSoftware.Columns.Insert(columnIndex, uninstallButtonColumn);

Of course you will have to handle the CellClick event of the grid to do anything with the button.

Add this somewhere in your DataGridView Initialization code

dataGridViewSoftware.CellClick += dataGridViewSoftware_CellClick;

Then create the handler:

private void dataGridViewSoftware_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    if (e.ColumnIndex == dataGridViewSoftware.Columns["uninstall_column"].Index)
        //Do something with your button.

Make it simple.

DataGridViewButtonColumn button = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
    button.Name = "button";
    button.HeaderText = "Button";
    button.Text = "Button";
    button.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true; //dont forget this line