How to access syntax-class attributes in `~optional` that contains ellipsis?

There are two classes of strategies to fix "attribute value is false" errors:

  1. Put defaults or alternatives so that the attribute is never false.

    (a) Using ~optional with #:defaults

    (b) Using ~or, possibly with ~parse

    (c) Using a syntax-class with multiple patterns

  2. Deal with the attribute being false in the body.

    (a) Using unsyntax and if

    (b) Using ~?

1 (a)

Implementations 2 and 3 in the question, as well as the code in Zoé's answer, all use ~optional with #:defaults, so they all are attempts to fix it with 1 (a).

Zoé's answer shows a correct use of this. The main point is that if you use an attribute like <object>.result, you need to specify a default for <object>.result, not just <object>.

However, one downside to this comes if there are multiple attributes in the obj-exp class that you need to use. That would require you to specify a default for each one:

(~optional (objects <object>:obj-exp ...)
           #:defaults ([(<object>.result 1) null]
                       [(<object>.x 1) null]))

1 (b)

If you use multiple attributes from a syntax class, such as <object>.result, <object>.x, <object>.y, <object>.z, etc, then 1 (a) would require you to specify a default for each one separately. To avoid that, instead of writing this:

(~optional (objects <object>:obj-exp ...)
           #:defaults ([(<object>.result 1) null]
                       [(<object>.x 1) null]
                       [(<object>.y 1) null]
                       [(<object>.z 1) null]))

You can use ~or and ~parse like this:

(~or (objects <object>:obj-exp ...)
     (~and (~seq) (~parse (<object>:obj-exp ...) null)))

1 (c)

(define-splicing-syntax-class maybe-objects
  #:datum-literals (objects)
  [pattern (objects <object>:obj-exp ...)]
  [pattern (~seq) #:with (<object>:obj-exp ...) null])

2 (a) and (b)

Implementation 4 in the question uses unsyntax-splicing and if, so it's an example of 2 (a):

#,@(if (attribute <object>)
       #'(<object>.result ...)

However, as you noted, this looks kind of ugly. And it also has another problem. If this itself were under an ellipsis, this breaks down because ellipses don't carry their effects inside a #, or #,@.

That's why ~? exists for 2 (b). Instead of using #,@(if ....), you can use:

(~? (<object>.result ...) ())

That doesn't quite work, but this variant of it does:

(~? (list <object>.result ...) (list))

Using that in a variation on implementation 4:

(define-syntax (parse-bag stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    #:datum-literals (label objects)
    [(_ (label <label>:str)
        (~optional (objects <object>:obj-exp ...)))
     #`(bag <label>
            (~? (list <object>.result ...) (list)))]))

When using #:defaults, you need to specify the attribute:

(~optional <object>:obj-exp ... #:defaults ([(<object>.result 1) null]))

Complete code:

(define-syntax (parse-bag stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
      #:datum-literals (label objects)
      [(_ (label <label>:str)
          (~optional (objects <object>:obj-exp ...)
                     #:defaults ([(<object>.result 1) null]))) ; + attribute here
       #'(bag <label>
              (list <object>.result ...))])) ; now it works!

Another way would be to move the ellipsis usage to the syntax-class, as in this question: A splicing syntax class that matches an optional pattern and binds attributes

