How to access static member on instance?

You can try to get access to static property via constructor


Javascript is prototype based. In other words, all instances of an object share the same prototype. You can then use this prototype to put static shared properties:

function Foo() {
  this.publicProperty = "This is public property";

Foo.prototype.staticProperty = "This is static property";

var myFoo = new Foo();
console.log(myFoo.staticProperty); // 'This is static property'

Foo.prototype.staticProperty = "This has changed now";
console.log(myFoo.staticProperty); // 'This has changed now'

EDIT: I re-read your question, and this code solves your actual problem as stated:


function Foo() {
    this.publicProperty = "This is public property";
Foo.prototype.count = 0;

console.log(new Foo().count, new Foo().count, Foo.prototype.count);

This does not decrement the count automatically though if the object is freed up for garbage collection, but you could use delete then manually decrement.