How to access spring boot properties from freemarker template

Gonna answer myself :

Easiest way in spring-boot 1.3 is to overrides the FreeMarkerConfiguration class :

 * Overrides the default spring-boot configuration to allow adding shared variables to the freemarker context
public class FreemarkerConfiguration extends FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration.FreeMarkerWebConfiguration {

    private String myProp;

    public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
        FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = super.freeMarkerConfigurer();

        Map<String, Object> sharedVariables = new HashMap<>();
        sharedVariables.put("myProp", myProp);

        return configurer;

One option in spring boot 2:

public class CustomFreeMarkerConfig implements BeanPostProcessor {

  private String myProp;

  public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
  throws BeansException {
      if (bean instanceof FreeMarkerConfigurer) {
          FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = (FreeMarkerConfigurer) bean;
          Map<String, Object> sharedVariables = new HashMap<>();
          sharedVariables.put("myProp", myProp);
      return bean;

Spring Boot 2.x changed class structure so it's no longer possible to subclass and keep the auto configuration like was possible with Spring Boot 1.x.