How to access an attribute of an object using a variable in django template?

Fixed answer for non string attributes

The selected answer don't cover cases where you need to access non string attributes.

If you are trying to access an attribute that isn't a string, then you must use this code:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def get_obj_attr(obj, attr):
    return obj[attr]

For this, create a folder named templatetags on your app's folder, then create a python file with whatever name you want and paste the code above inside.

Inside your template load your brand new filter using the {% load YOUR_FILE_NAME %}, be sure to change YOUR_FILE_NAME to your actual file name.

Now, on your template you can access the object attribute by using the code bellow:


You can write a template filter for that:


from django import template

register = template.Library()

def get_obj_attr(obj, attr):
    return getattr(obj, attr)

Then in template you can use it like this:

{% load myapp_tags %}

{% for inscrito in inscritos %}
   {% for field in list_fields_inscrito %}
      {{ inscrito|get_obj_attr:field }}
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

You can read more about writing custom template tags.