How to a put a repeated text in the left margin of a page, like a header or footer, but on the side

The background package could be an option:

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example

Return Address:\\
John Q. Citizen\\
500 Park Place\\
Boston, MA. 01234}}%




enter image description here

There are a couple of packages that provide absolute positioning of items on a page. For example, the eso-pic package allows for foreground or background placement of arbitrary stuff at page shipout. The following minimal example places a similar \fbox{\parbox{..}{...}} to what is included in @Gonzalo's answer on the foreground of all pages in your document:

      Return Address:\\
      John Q. Citizen\\
      500 Park Place\\
      Boston, MA. 01234}}%

enter image description here

Using the starred version \...FG*{<stuff>} only includes <stuff> on the foreground of the current page.

Also see the documentations of the textpos package and that of tikz.