How remove Adobe acrobat reader DC tool bar unwanted buttons/links?

I didn't found a way to remove the three Buttons "Home", "Tools" and "Document" but to shorten the displayed text in my Acrobat Reader DC 2018.009.20044, maybe this helps...

  1. Find the used language file in the Locale subfolder (for me in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\Locale\de_DE\RdLang32.DEU)
  2. With an hex editor find these unicode strings (with quotes): "avHomeButton=xyz", "avToolsButton=xyz" and "avViewerButton=xyz"
  3. Replace the text after the equal sign and finish your text with a quote
  4. After your quote enter spaces overwriting the old text and the old quote until the following line break (Bytes 0D 0A)

Be sure not to break the unicode characters.

For me it looks like this: Hex dump of RdLang32.DEU after shortening some texts

The resulting toolbar looks like this: Adobe Reader Toolbar with shorter texts