How many people can go to your wedding?

Unfortunately, the number of people that will attend your wedding is very limited, considering all of the people you encounter across Skyrim. It seems that you can have up to 7 guests (rare, from what I've seen), but 5-6 is a pretty good number. If what others have said is true, you can have 0 guests.

Users in this thread reported between 3 and 5 guests.

Users in this thread reported up to 6 guests.

Users in this thread reported up to 6, but as low as 0 guests (not counting the priests that live there).

A user in this thread reported 7 attendees, but everyone else reported less.

From personal experience across a handful of save files, I've only ever seen 4-6 guests, picked seemingly randomly (Ysolda came to my wedding with Sylgja, for example).