How many languages can you use simultaneously in ONE functioning program in under 500 bytes

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, RegEx, sed, bash; 8 languages

Displays colors of the rainbow.

(Only 396 bytes) will try to add more languages

HTML + CSS is turning complete and counts as a valid language on PPCG. I've been told CoffeeScript is different enough as JavaScript to be counted as a separate language. And RegEx has been specifically allowed also.

PHP allows for addition of many languages especially with exec and shell_exec functions.

Golfed to fit inside byte limit (ES6)

<html><style><?php foreach(explode(" ",exec('sed "s/;/ /g"<<<"red;orange;yellow;green;blue;violet"')) as $color){echo "#{$color} { color: $color }\n"}?></style><script>b="red orange yellow green blue violet".split(/ /).map(c=>`<p id="${c}">${c}</p>`)</script><script type="text/coffeescript">document.documentElement.innerHTML+=b.join "\n"</script><script src=""></script></html>


  • PHP to generate CSS
  • PHP, uses exec to run bash
  • sed to split color items for bash
  • CSS to specify text colors
  • JavaScript to generate elements
  • RegEx to split color items for JS
  • CoffeScript to print elements
  • HTML as a wrapper / output

Faster & Ungolfed (All modern browsers)

  /* CSS */
  <?php// Loop through all colors
  foreach(explode(" ",
  exec('sed "s/;/ /g"<<<"red;orange;yellow;green;blue;violet"')) as $color) {
    // Print it out, add it to the CSS
    echo"#{$color} { color: $color }\n"}
  // Create an element for each color, store as variable
  window.colors = "red orange yellow green blue violet".split(/ /).map(function(color) {
    return "<p id=\"" + color + "\">" + color + "</p>"
<script type="text/coffeescript">
  document.documentElement.innerHTML += window.colors.join "\n"
<!-- CoffeScript Link -->
<script src=""></script>


make, sh, awk, sed, regex, yacc, lex, C; 8 languages.

Including the input and output languages: brainfuck and D; 10 languages

This is a brainfuck to D compiler. It takes the brainfuck program over standard input and prints the D code to standard output.

Make uses awk, sed, and sh to generate a yacc program, which in conjunction with a lex program is used to generate a C program that takes a brainfuck program as input and outputs an equivalent D program. I tried to only use languages in ways that were actually useful, instead of just throwing in a bunch of no-ops. The lex/yacc/C combination is fairly standard for simple compilers, the make/sh combination is useful for building, and the awk/sed line was the only way I could get the whole thing under 500 bytes. (It's at 498 bytes currently.)


define L
[][+-<>.,] return *yytext;
. ;
define Y
#include <stdio.h>
%left '+' '-' '.' ',' '>' '<' '[' ']'
q: q q {}
+ p[i]++
- p[i]--
> i++
< i--
, p[i]=getchar()
. putchar(p[i])
[ while(p[i]){
] }
yywrap(){}yyerror(){}main(){puts("import std.stdio;int p[30000];int i;void main(){");yyparse();puts("}");}
export L
export Y
    @echo "$$L">y;lex y;echo "$$Y"|awk '/^[+-^]/{printf("q: X%sX {puts(\"%s;\");}\n",$$1,$$2)} /^[^+-^]/'|sed "y/X/'/">y;yacc y;cc *.c;./a.out;:

Example of use

$ cat
$ make < > tmp.d
y: warning: 8 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
$ dmd tmp.d && ./tmp
Hello World!