How is calculated fill-factor percentage related to size of database?

What you see is correct.

When you rebuild an index first the new index is built and only then the old index is dropped. And if you don't use


the space that server needs to make a sort is allocated within your db

Your db has now empty space, it's not space reserved to any object, it's just free space (space that was freed after temp objects needed to do sort were dropped)

So your indexes are not empty on 42%, it's your db that is empty on 42% and if you do ashrink of data file (I don't recommend it) your db will occupy only 82Gb

How is calculated fill-factor related to the size of the database?

This is due to the fact that the database is accumulated value of following and all their size counted/stored in pages.

  1. Heap
  2. Clustered Index
  3. Non Clustered Index
  4. Un-allocated space

In the case fill factor set other than default (0 or 100), every page had to leave the empty space. i.e. a fill factor value 90% lead every page to leave 10% of free space (which already occupied in disk) this cause 10% growth of index and eventually database.

You can get quick details from each table using sp_spaceused 'dbo.TableName' or use following query to get details for all tables:

select   DB_NAME () AS DBName
        --,OBJECT_NAME (t.object_id) as ObjectName
        --, as IndexName
        ,i.type_desc as UsageType
        ,SUM( (t.lob_used_page_count  * 8.00) / 1024 ) as LOB_Used_Mb
        ,SUM( (t.used_page_count * 8.00) / 1024 ) - SUM( (t.lob_used_page_count  * 8.00) / 1024 ) as Row_Usage_Mb
        ,SUM( (t.used_page_count * 8.00) / 1024 ) as Total_Used_Mb
        ,sum( (t.reserved_page_count * 8.00) / 1024) as Total_Reserved_Mb
        ,sum( ((reserved_page_count - used_page_count) * 8.00) /1024 ) as UnUsed_Mb
from sys.dm_db_partition_stats as T
        join sys.indexes as I on T.object_id = I.object_id and T.index_id = I.index_id
GROUP BY i.type_desc--, OBJECT_NAME (t.object_id),