How I can align 2 arrays?

For example, if you would like to color the first column of the second table:

every picture/.style = {remember picture},
       na/.style = {baseline=-.5ex}


C &   C_{1}   &    \tikz[baseline]{
                    \node[rounded corners,fill=red!15,anchor=base] (table)              {$C_{2}$};}  &   \ldots
        &   C_{q^k}  \\
        \end{array}\right\} \omega(v_{i}) > t$
C       &   C_{1}   &    \tikz[baseline]{
                    \node[rounded corners,fill=red!15,anchor=base] (table)      {$C_{2}$};}  &   \ldots
        &   C_{q^k}\tikz[na]\node[coordinate] (t1) {gi};    \\
v_{2}+C & v_{2}+0   &   \tikz[baseline]{
                    \node[rounded corners,fill=red!15,anchor=base] (bug)
                            &   \ldots
        &   v_{2}+C_{q^k}                               \\
\ldots  &   \ldots   & \ldots  & \ldots
        & \ldots                                 \\
v_{j}+C & v_{j}+0   & v_j+C_2   & \ldots
        & v_{j}+C_{q^k}                                 \\
\end{array}\right\} \omega(v_{i}) > t$

\ldots  &   \ldots   & \ldots  & \ldots
        & \ldots                                 \\
v_{2}+C &   v_{2}+0 &   \tikz[baseline]{
                    \node[rounded corners,fill=red!15,anchor=base] (dug)
                            &   \ldots
        &   v_{2}+C_{q^k}                               \\
v_{l}+C & v_{l}+0   & v_l+C_l   &   \ldots
        & v_{l}+C_{q^k}                                 \\
\end{array}\right\} \omega(v_{i}) > t$

As you can see, to color columns you need to add option xcolor={dvipsnames,table} to the beamer document class and than use the macro \columncolor{<color>} in the column which you would like to have colored.

enter image description here

After your edit of question, it appear as total new and different question. SO I decided to respond to it with new answer in which I focus on design of tree tables with equal width of columns. Coloring is already solved in my first answer, and equal horizontal positioning in my answer on your question "How can I align the two tables?" (as I see from your question, you use my provided solution, however you didn't accept answer as useful for you ... this is not very nice from you).

To make three different tables with equal width of columns (which have different wide content) seems to be among possible solutions the simplest one with external (central) defined widths like


With this column type the advantage of array disappear. Anyway let be used further. New, minimal code for this case is:



C       &   C_1     &   C_2     &   \ldots  &   C_{q^k}     \\
\end{array}\right\} \omega(v_{i}) > t$

C       &   C_1     &   C_2     &   \ldots  &   C_{q^k}     \\
v_2+C   &   v_2+0   &   v_2+C_2 &   \ldots  &   v_2+C_{q^k} \\
\ldots  &   \ldots  & \ldots    &   \ldots  &   \ldots      \\
v_j+C   &   v_j+0   &   v_j+C_2 &   \ldots  & v_j+C_{q^k}   \\
\end{array}\right\} \omega(v_{i}) > t$

\ldots  &   \ldots  &   \ldots  &   \ldots  &   \ldots      \\
v_2+C   &   v_2+0   &   v_2+C_2 &   \ldots  &   v_2+C_{q^k} \\
v_l+C   &   v_l+0   &   v_l+C_l &   \ldots  &   v_l+C_{q^k} \\
\end{array}\right\} \omega(v_{i}) > t$


And result:

enter image description here

I must confess, that I'm not sure, what actually is your question. So, above solution is based on guessing. With previous answers you already receive usable instructions/help how to positioned tables and colored whole column.


