How high can you go? (A coding+algorithms challenge)

Nimrod (N=22)

import math, locks

  N = 20
  M = N + 1
  FSize = (1 shl N)
  FMax = FSize - 1
  SStep = 1 shl (N-1)
  numThreads = 16

  ZeroCounter = array[0..M-1, int]
  ComputeThread = TThread[int]

  leadingZeros: ZeroCounter
  lock: TLock
  innerProductTable: array[0..FMax, int8]

proc initInnerProductTable =
  for i in 0..FMax:
    innerProductTable[i] = int8(countBits32(int32(i)) - N div 2)


proc zeroInnerProduct(i: int): bool =
  innerProductTable[i] == 0

proc search2(lz: var ZeroCounter, s, f, i: int) =
  if zeroInnerProduct(s xor f) and i < M:
    lz[i] += 1 shl (M - i - 1)
    search2(lz, (s shr 1) + 0, f, i+1)
    search2(lz, (s shr 1) + SStep, f, i+1)

when defined(gcc):
    unrollDepth = 1
    unrollDepth = 4

template search(lz: var ZeroCounter, s, f, i: int) =
  when i < unrollDepth:
    if zeroInnerProduct(s xor f) and i < M:
      lz[i] += 1 shl (M - i - 1)
      search(lz, (s shr 1) + 0, f, i+1)
      search(lz, (s shr 1) + SStep, f, i+1)
    search2(lz, s, f, i)

proc worker(base: int) {.thread.} =
  var lz: ZeroCounter
  for f in countup(base, FMax div 2, numThreads):
    for s in 0..FMax:
      search(lz, s, f, 0)
  for i in 0..M-1:
    leadingZeros[i] += lz[i]*2

proc main =
  var threads: array[numThreads, ComputeThread]
  for i in 0 .. numThreads-1:
    createThread(threads[i], worker, i)
  for i in 0 .. numThreads-1:


Compile with

nimrod cc --threads:on -d:release count.nim

(Nimrod can be downloaded here.)

This runs in the allotted time for n=20 (and for n=18 when only using a single thread, taking about 2 minutes in the latter case).

The algorithm uses a recursive search, pruning the search tree whenever a non-zero inner product is encountered. We also cut the search space in half by observing that for any pair of vectors (F, -F) we only need to consider one because the other produces the exact same sets of inner products (by negating S also).

The implementation uses Nimrod's metaprogramming facilities to unroll/inline the first few levels of the recursive search. This saves a little time when using gcc 4.8 and 4.9 as the backend of Nimrod and a fair amount for clang.

The search space could be further pruned by observing that we only need to consider values of S that differ in an even number of the first N positions from our choice of F. However, the complexity or memory needs of that do not scale for large values of N, given that the loop body is completely skipped in those cases.

Tabulating where the inner product is zero appears to be faster than using any bit counting functionality in the loop. Apparently accessing the table has pretty good locality.

It looks as though the problem should be amenable to dynamic programming, considering how the recursive search works, but there is no apparent way to do that with a reasonable amount of memory.

Example outputs:


@[55276229099520, 10855179878400, 2137070108672, 420578918400, 83074121728, 16540581888, 3394347008, 739659776, 183838720, 57447424, 23398912, 10749184, 5223040, 2584896, 1291424, 645200, 322600]


@[3341140958904320, 619683355033600, 115151552380928, 21392898654208, 3982886961152, 744128512000, 141108051968, 27588886528, 5800263680, 1408761856, 438001664, 174358528, 78848000, 38050816, 18762752, 9346816, 4666496, 2333248, 1166624]


@[203141370301382656, 35792910586740736, 6316057966936064, 1114358247587840, 196906665902080, 34848574013440, 6211866460160, 1125329141760, 213330821120, 44175523840, 11014471680, 3520839680, 1431592960, 655872000, 317675520, 156820480, 78077440, 39005440, 19501440, 9750080, 4875040]

For purposes of comparing the algorithm with other implementations, N=16 takes about 7.9 seconds on my machine when using a single thread and 2.3 seconds when using four cores.

N=22 takes about 15 minutes on a 64-core machine with gcc 4.4.6 as Nimrod's backend and overflows 64-bit integers in leadingZeros[0] (possibly not unsigned ones, haven't looked at it).

Update: I've found room for a couple more improvements. First, for a given value of F, we can enumerate the first 16 entries of the corresponding S vectors precisely, because they must differ in exactly N/2 places. So we precompute a list of bit vectors of size N that have N/2 bits set and use these to derive the initial part of S from F.

Second, we can improve upon the recursive search by observing that we always know the value of F[N] (as the MSB is zero in the bit representation). This allows us to predict precisely which branch we recurse into from the inner product. While that would actually allow us to turn the entire search into a recursive loop, that actually happens to screw up branch prediction quite a bit, so we keep the top levels in its original form. We still save some time, primarily by reducing the amount of branching we are doing.

For some cleanup, the code is now using unsigned integers and fix them at 64-bit (just in case someone wants to run this on a 32-bit architecture).

Overall speedup is between a factor of x3 and x4. N = 22 still needs more than eight cores to run in under 10 minutes, but on a 64-core machine it's now down to about four minutes (with numThreads bumped up accordingly). I don't think there's much more room for improvement without a different algorithm, though.


@[12410090985684467712, 2087229562810269696, 351473149499408384, 59178309967151104, 9975110458933248, 1682628717576192, 284866824372224, 48558946385920, 8416739196928, 1518499004416, 301448822784, 71620493312, 22100246528, 8676573184, 3897278464, 1860960256, 911646720, 451520512, 224785920, 112198656, 56062720, 28031360, 14015680]

Updated again, making use of further possible reductions in search space. Runs in about 9:49 minutes for N=22 on my quadcore machine.

Final update (I think). Better equivalence classes for choices of F, cutting runtime for N=22 down to 3:19 minutes 57 seconds (edit: I had accidentally run that with only one thread) on my machine.

This change makes use of the fact that a pair of vectors produces the same leading zeros if one can be transformed into the other by rotating it. Unfortunately, a fairly critical low-level optimization requires that the top bit of F in the bit representation is always the same, and while using this equivalence slashed the search space quite a bit and reduced runtime by about one quarter over using a different state space reduction on F, the overhead from eliminating the low-level optimization more than offset it. However, it turns out that this problem can be eliminated by also considering the fact that F that are inverses of one another are also equivalent. While this added to the complexity of the calculation of the equivalence classes a bit, it also allowed me to retain the aforementioned low-level optimization, leading to a speedup of about x3.

One more update to support 128-bit integers for the accumulated data. To compile with 128 bit integers, you'll need longint.nim from here and to compile with -d:use128bit. N=24 still takes more than 10 minutes, but I've included the result below for those interested.


@[761152247121980686336, 122682715414070296576, 19793870419291799552, 3193295704340561920, 515628872377565184, 83289931274780672, 13484616786640896, 2191103969198080, 359662314586112, 60521536552960, 10893677035520, 2293940617216, 631498735616, 230983794688, 102068682752, 48748969984, 23993655296, 11932487680, 5955725312, 2975736832, 1487591936, 743737600, 371864192, 185931328, 92965664]

import math, locks, unsigned

when defined(use128bit):
  import longint
  type int128 = uint64 # Fallback on unsupported architectures
  template toInt128(x: expr): expr = uint64(x)

  N = 22
  M = N + 1
  FSize = (1 shl N)
  FMax = FSize - 1
  SStep = 1 shl (N-1)
  numThreads = 16

  ZeroCounter = array[0..M-1, uint64]
  ZeroCounterLong = array[0..M-1, int128]
  ComputeThread = TThread[int]
  Pair = tuple[value, weight: int32]

  leadingZeros: ZeroCounterLong
  lock: TLock
  innerProductTable: array[0..FMax, int8]
  zeroInnerProductList = newSeq[int32]()
  equiv: array[0..FMax, int32]
  fTable = newSeq[Pair]()

proc initInnerProductTables =
  for i in 0..FMax:
    innerProductTable[i] = int8(countBits32(int32(i)) - N div 2)
    if innerProductTable[i] == 0:
      if (i and 1) == 0:
        add(zeroInnerProductList, int32(i))


proc ror1(x: int): int {.inline.} =
  ((x shr 1) or (x shl (N-1))) and FMax

proc initEquivClasses =
  add(fTable, (0'i32, 1'i32))
  for i in 1..FMax:
    var r = i
    var found = false
    block loop:
      for j in 0..N-1:
        for m in [0, FMax]:
          if equiv[r xor m] != 0:
            fTable[equiv[r xor m]-1].weight += 1
            found = true
            break loop
        r = ror1(r)
    if not found:
      equiv[i] = int32(len(fTable)+1)
      add(fTable, (int32(i), 1'i32))


when defined(gcc):
  const unrollDepth = 4
  const unrollDepth = 4

proc search2(lz: var ZeroCounter, s0, f, w: int) =
  var s = s0
  for i in unrollDepth..M-1:
    lz[i] = lz[i] + uint64(w)
    s = s shr 1
    case innerProductTable[s xor f]
    of 0:
      # s = s + 0
    of -1:
      s = s + SStep

template search(lz: var ZeroCounter, s, f, w, i: int) =
  when i < unrollDepth:
    lz[i] = lz[i] + uint64(w)
    if i < M-1:
      let s2 = s shr 1
      case innerProductTable[s2 xor f]
      of 0:
        search(lz, s2 + 0, f, w, i+1)
      of -1:
        search(lz, s2 + SStep, f, w, i+1)
    search2(lz, s, f, w)

proc worker(base: int) {.thread.} =
  var lz: ZeroCounter
  for fi in countup(base, len(fTable)-1, numThreads):
    let (fp, w) = fTable[fi]
    let f = if (fp and (FSize div 2)) == 0: fp else: fp xor FMax
    for sp in zeroInnerProductList:
      let s = f xor sp
      search(lz, s, f, w, 0)
  for i in 0..M-1:
    let t = lz[i].toInt128 shl (M-i).toInt128
    leadingZeros[i] = leadingZeros[i] + t

proc main =
  var threads: array[numThreads, ComputeThread]
  for i in 0 .. numThreads-1:
    createThread(threads[i], worker, i)
  for i in 0 .. numThreads-1:


Java (n=22?)

I think most of the answers which do better than n=16 use a similar approach to this, although they differ in the symmetries they exploit and the way they divide the task between threads.

The vectors defined in the question can be replaced with bit strings, and the inner product with XORing the overlapping window and checking that there are exactly n/2 bits set (and hence n/2 bits cleared). There are n! / ((n/2)!) (central binomial coefficient) strings of n bits with n/2 bits set (which I call balanced strings), so for any given F there are that many windows of S which give a zero inner product. Moreover, the action of sliding S along one and checking whether we can still find an incoming bit which gives a zero inner product corresponds to looking for an edge in a graph whose nodes are the windows and whose edges link a node u to a node v whose first n-1 bits are the last n-1 bits of u.

For example, with n=6 and F=001001 we get this graph:

Graph for F=001001

and for F=001011 we get this graph:

Graph for F=001011

Then we need to count for each i from 0 to n how many paths of length i there are, summing over the graphs for every F. I think most of us are using depth-first search.

Note that the graphs are sparse: it's easy to prove that each node has in-degree of at most 1 and out-degree of at most one. That also means that the only structures possible are simple chains and simple loops. This simplifies the DFS a bit.

I exploit a couple of symmetries: the balanced strings are closed under bit inverse (the ~ operation in many languages from the ALGOL family), and under bit rotation, so we can group together values of F which are related by these operations and only do the DFS once.

public class CodeGolf26459v8D implements Runnable {
    private static final int NUM_THREADS = 8;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    private static void v8D(int n) {
        int[] bk = new int[1 << n];
        int off = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < bk.length; i++) {
            bk[i] = Integer.bitCount(i) == n/2 ? off++ : -1;

        int[] fwd = new int[off];
        for (int i = 0; i < bk.length; i++) {
            if (bk[i] >= 0) fwd[bk[i]] = i;

        CodeGolf26459v8D[] runners = new CodeGolf26459v8D[NUM_THREADS];
        Thread[] threads = new Thread[runners.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < runners.length; i++) {
            runners[i] = new CodeGolf26459v8D(n, i, runners.length, bk, fwd);
            threads[i] = new Thread(runners[i]);

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) threads[i].join();
        catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new RuntimeException("This shouldn't be reachable", ie);

        long surviving = ((long)fwd.length) << (n - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            for (CodeGolf26459v8D runner : runners) surviving -= runner.survival[i];
            System.out.print(i == 0 ? "[" : ", ");
            java.math.BigInteger result = new java.math.BigInteger(Long.toString(surviving));
            System.out.print(result.shiftLeft(n + 1 - i));

    public final int n;
    protected final int id;
    protected final int numRunners;
    private final int[] bk;
    private final int[] fwd;

    public long[] survival;

    public CodeGolf26459v8D(int n, int id, int numRunners, int[] bk, int[] fwd) {
        this.n = n; = id;
        this.numRunners = numRunners;

        this.bk = bk;
        this.fwd = fwd;

    private int dfs2(int[] graphShape, int flip, int i) {
        if (graphShape[i] != 0) return graphShape[i];

        int succ = flip ^ (fwd[i] << 1);
        if (succ >= bk.length) succ ^= bk.length + 1;

        int j = bk[succ];
        if (j == -1) return graphShape[i] = 1;

        graphShape[i] = n + 1; // To detect cycles
        return graphShape[i] = dfs2(graphShape, flip, j) + 1;

    public void run() {
        int n = this.n;
        int[] bk = this.bk;
        int[] fwd = this.fwd;

        // NB The initial count is approx 2^(2n - 1.33 - 0.5 lg n)
        // For n=18 we overflow 32-bit
        // 64-bit is good up to n=32.
        long[] survival = new long[n + 1];
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[1 << (n - 1)];
        int th = 0;
        for (int f = 0; f < visited.length; f++) {
            if (visited[f]) continue;

            int m = 1, g = f;
            while (true) {
                visited[g] = true;
                int ng = g << 1;
                if ((ng >> (n - 1)) != 0) ng ^= (1 << n) - 1;
                if (ng == f) break;
                g = ng;

            if (th++ % numRunners != id) continue;

            int[] graphShape = new int[fwd.length];
            int flip = (f << 1) ^ f;
            for (int i = 0; i < graphShape.length; i++) {
                int life = dfs2(graphShape, flip, i);
                if (life <= n) survival[life] += m;

        this.survival = survival;

On my 2.5GHz Core 2 I get

# n=18
$ javac && time java CodeGolf26459v8D
[3341140958904320, 619683355033600, 115151552380928, 21392898654208, 3982886961152, 744128512000, 141108051968, 27588886528, 5800263680, 1408761856, 438001664, 174358528, 78848000, 38050816, 18762752, 9346816, 4666496, 2333248, 1166624]

real    0m3.131s
user    0m10.133s
sys     0m0.380s

# n=20
$ javac && time java CodeGolf26459v8D
[203141370301382656, 35792910586740736, 6316057966936064, 1114358247587840, 196906665902080, 34848574013440, 6211866460160, 1125329141760, 213330821120, 44175523840, 11014471680, 3520839680, 1431592960, 655872000, 317675520, 156820480, 78077440, 39005440, 19501440, 9750080, 4875040]

real    1m8.706s
user    4m20.980s
sys     0m0.564s

# n=22
$ javac && time java CodeGolf26459v8D
[12410090985684467712, 2087229562810269696, 351473149499408384, 59178309967151104, 9975110458933248, 1682628717576192, 284866824372224, 48558946385920, 8416739196928, 1518499004416, 301448822784, 71620493312, 22100246528, 8676573184, 3897278464, 1860960256, 911646720, 451520512, 224785920, 112198656, 56062720, 28031360, 14015680]

real    20m10.654s
user    76m53.880s
sys     0m6.852s

Since Lembik's computer has 8 cores and executed my earlier single-threaded program twice as fast as mine, I'm optimistic that it will execute n=22 in less than 8 minutes.


It is basically just a slightly optimised implementation of the algorithm in the question. It can manage n=12 within the time limit.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#define n 12
#define m (n + 1)

int main() {
    int i;
    uint64_t S, F, o[m] = {0};
    for (S = 0; S < (1LLU << (n + m - 1)); S += 2)
        for (F = 0; F < (1 << (n - 1)); F++)
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
                if (__builtin_popcount(((S >> i) & ((1 << n) - 1)) ^ F) == n >> 1)
                    o[i] += 4;
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        printf("%" PRIu64 " ", o[i]);
    return 0;

Test run for n=12, including compilation:

$ clang -O3 -march=native -fstrict-aliasing -ftree-vectorize -Wall fast.c
$ time ./a.out 
15502147584 3497066496 792854528 179535872 41181184 9826304 2603008 883712 381952 177920 85504 42560 21280 
real    0m53.266s
user    0m53.042s
sys     0m0.068s

Comment: I just turned my brain on and used some simple combinatorics to calculate that the first value will always be n! / ((n / 2)!)^2 * 2^(n + m - 1). It seems to me that there must be a completely algebraic solution to this problem.