How generate all pairs of values, from the result of a groupby, in a pandas dataframe

Its simple use itertools combinations inside apply and stack i.e

from itertools import combinations
ndf = df.groupby('ID')['words'].apply(lambda x : list(combinations(x.values,2)))

 ID           words
0   1  (word1, word2)
1   1  (word1, word3)
2   1  (word2, word3)
0   2  (word4, word5)
0   3  (word6, word7)
1   3  (word6, word8)
2   3  (word6, word9)
3   3  (word7, word8)
4   3  (word7, word9)
5   3  (word8, word9)

To match you exact output further we have to do

sdf = pd.concat([ndf['ID'],ndf['words'].apply(pd.Series)],1).set_axis(['ID','WordsA','WordsB'],1,inplace=False)

   ID WordsA WordsB
0   1  word1  word2
1   1  word1  word3
2   1  word2  word3
0   2  word4  word5
0   3  word6  word7
1   3  word6  word8
2   3  word6  word9
3   3  word7  word8
4   3  word7  word9
5   3  word8  word9

To convert it to a one line we can do :

combo = df.groupby('ID')['words'].apply(combinations,2)\

You can use groupby with apply and return DataFrame, last add reset_index for remove second level and then for create column from index:

from itertools import combinations

f = lambda x : pd.DataFrame(list(combinations(x.values,2)), 
df = (df.groupby('ID')['words'].apply(f)
                               .reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
print (df)
   ID  wordA  wordB
0   1  word1  word2
1   1  word1  word3
2   1  word2  word3
3   2  word4  word5
4   3  word6  word7
5   3  word6  word8
6   3  word6  word9
7   3  word7  word8
8   3  word7  word9
9   3  word8  word9

You can define a custom function that is applied to each group. Both input and output are a dataframe:

def combine(group):
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(itertools.combinations(group.word, 2))



          0      1
1  0  word1  word2
   1  word1  word3
   2  word2  word3
2  0  word4  word5
3  0  word6  word7
   1  word6  word8
   2  word6  word9
   3  word7  word8
   4  word7  word9
   5  word8  word9