How does one log Akka HTTP client requests

One of the solution I've found is to use a:

import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.DebuggingDirectives

val clientRouteLogged = DebuggingDirectives.logRequestResult("Client ReST", Logging.InfoLevel)(clientRoute)
Http().bindAndHandle(clientRouteLogged, interface, port)

Which can easily log the request and result in raw(bytes) format. The problem is that those logs are completely unreadable. And here is place where it became complicated.

Here is my example that encode the entity of the request/response and write it to the logger.

You can pass a function to:


def logRequestResult(magnet: LoggingMagnet[HttpRequest ⇒ RouteResult ⇒ Unit])

That is function written using magnet pattern:

LoggingMagnet[HttpRequest ⇒ RouteResult ⇒ Unit]


LoggingMagnet[T](f: LoggingAdapter ⇒ T)

Thanks to that we have access to all parts that we need to log the request and result. We have LoggingAdapter, HttpRequest and RouteResult

In my case I've create an inside function. I don't want to pass all the parameters again.

def logRequestResult(level: LogLevel, route: Route)
                      (implicit m: Materializer, ex: ExecutionContext) = {
  def myLoggingFunction(logger: LoggingAdapter)(req: HttpRequest)(res: Any): Unit = {
    val entry = res match {
      case Complete(resp) =>
        entityAsString(resp.entity).map(data ⇒ LogEntry(s"${req.method} ${req.uri}: ${resp.status} \n entity: $data", level))
      case other =>
        Future.successful(LogEntry(s"$other", level))
  DebuggingDirectives.logRequestResult(LoggingMagnet(log => myLoggingFunction(log)))(route)

The most important part is the last line where I put myLoggingFunction in to logRequestResult.

The function called myLoggingFunction, simple matched the result of server computation and create a LogEntry based on it.

The last thing is a method that allows to decode the result entity from a stream.

def entityAsString(entity: HttpEntity)
                   (implicit m: Materializer, ex: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = {

The method can be easily add to any akka-http route.

val myLoggedRoute = logRequestResult(Logging.InfoLevel, clinetRoute)
Http().bindAndHandle(myLoggedRoute, interface, port)

For another solution, this code logs the request IP and associates a random number with each request and response so they can be associated in the logs. It also records the response time.

Since the request may take awhile to process, and may fail, I wanted to see the request immediately, and see the response if and when it returns.

RequestFields is just the data I care about from the request. There's a lot of noise by default.

val logRequestResponse: Directive0 =
  extractRequestContext flatMap { ctx =>
    extractClientIP flatMap { ip =>
      val id = scala.math.abs(rand.nextLong).toString
      onSuccess(RequestFields.fromIdIpAndRequest(id, ip, ctx.request)) flatMap { req =>"request", req.asJson)
        val i =
        mapRouteResultWith { result => 
          Result.fromIdStartTimeAndRouteResult(id, i, result) map { res =>
  "response", res.asJson)