How do you run unit tests for a specific target framework in Visual Studio 2017/2019?

I know that the question is about VS, but I find useful that when targeting multiple frameworks dotnet tests command will run tests for all frameworks in <TargetFrameworks> node:

> dotnet test
Test run for [projectPath]\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.1\XUnitTestProject.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1)
Test run for [projectPath]\bin\Debug\net461\XUnitTestProject.dll(.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1)

NCrunch can also recognize multiple targets and run tests for every target automatically:

enter image description here

Best option currently is to change the order of your target frameworks in the csproj.


If wanting to debug unit tests for net45 framework, you'll need to change it to:


The UI for doing this in Visual Studio would be relatively simple to implement but they have not done so as of this answer.