How do you rotate spin of an electron?

You have fallen prey to a popular simplification of spinors. The statement "you have to turn electron by 720 degrees in order to get the same spin state" does not refer to an actual rotation of an actual electron.

In quantum mechanics, we describe the states of objects as elements of a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. The crucial thing is that not all elements of this space represent physically different states - if we have two elements $\phi$ and $\psi$ and they are related in such a way that one can be obtained from the other by multiplying it with any complex number $c$, i.e. $\phi = c\psi$, then they are the same state.

This is analogous to two arrows with different length pointing in the same direction describing the same direction. Only the direction of the Hilbert space element has immediate physical meaning, not the length (though it is not completely irrelevant, "phases" play a role, but this is not relevant here).

Now, it turns out that there are two different ways how such elements of a Hilbert space can behave under a full rotation by $2\pi$ - they either stay the same, $\psi \overset{2\pi}{\mapsto} \psi$, or they change their sign, $\psi \overset{2\pi}{\mapsto} -\psi$. But $-1$ is just a complex number, so $\psi$ and $-\psi$ are the same state, and a rotation by $2\pi$ does not change any state at all.

Objects whose states stay the same are called bosons and have "integer spin", objects whose states change sign are called fermions and have "half-integer spin".

The Bloch sphere you refer to is not the Hilbert space of a system, but the projective Hilbert space. The projective Hilbert space is obtained by just identifying all vectors in the Hilbert space that lie on the same ray ( = have the same direction = are complex multiples of each other).

Thus, $\psi$ and $-\psi$ are the same point in a projective space, hence in particular on the Bloch sphere, and a $2\pi$ rotation does nothing on a projective space either way - as it should, since each point of the projective space is a physically distinct state.