How do you reference only the persisted records in an active record association

Both the suggestions from @Florent2 and @CDub are sound. However @florent2's suggestion meant hitting the database again (and potentially ditching any preset eager loading which I didn't want to do) and @CDub's suggestion didn't quite work out in terms of code. Here is what I ended up going with:

Returning only persisted records for a particular association

class Magazine < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :pages do 
    def persisted
      collect{ |page| page if page.persisted? }

this allows you to call .persisted on any ActiveRecord relation of pages associated with Magazine. It doesn't hit the database again as it simply filters through the pre-loaded objects returning the ones which are persisted.

Making the code reusable

Since I want to reuse this code on a regular basis I can pull it out into a module

module PersistedExtension
  def persisted
    select{|item| item if item.persisted?}

It can then be included into the association methods using a lambda:

class Magazine < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...
  has_many :pages, -> { extending PersistedExtension }


and I can call it intuitively:

@magazine = Magazine.first

# => array of pages which are persisted

# the new persisted association extension works on any AR result set
@magazine.pages.order('page ASC').persisted

Another cleaner syntax, using ActiveRecord where.not and still get back an ActiveRecord collection:

- @magazine.pages.where.not(id: nil).each do |page|

You could always reject pages that are new records...

%h4 Existing pages
- @magazine.pages.persisted.each do |page|
    %p= link_to page, page.title

where on Page you'd have something like:

def self.persisted
  reject {|page| page.new_record? }

You can create in your Page model a persisted scope: scope :persisted, -> { where "id IS NOT NULL" }, which avoids iterating on each associated page to check whether it's a new record or not.