How do you implement a circular buffer in C?

// Note power of two buffer size
#define kNumPointsInMyBuffer 1024 

typedef struct _ringBuffer {
    UInt32 currentIndex;
    UInt32 sizeOfBuffer;
    double data[kNumPointsInMyBuffer];
} ringBuffer;

// Initialize the ring buffer
ringBuffer *myRingBuffer = (ringBuffer *)calloc(1, sizeof(ringBuffer));
myRingBuffer->sizeOfBuffer = kNumPointsInMyBuffer;
myRingBuffer->currentIndex = 0;

// A little function to write into the buffer
// N.B. First argument of writeIntoBuffer() just happens to have the
// same as the one calloc'ed above. It will only point to the same
// space in memory if the calloc'ed pointer is passed to
// writeIntoBuffer() as an arg when the function is called. Consider
// using another name for clarity
void writeIntoBuffer(ringBuffer *myRingBuffer, double *myData, int numsamples) {
    // -1 for our binary modulo in a moment
    int buffLen = myRingBuffer->sizeOfBuffer - 1;
    int lastWrittenSample = myRingBuffer->currentIndex;

    int idx;
    for (int i=0; i < numsamples; ++i) {
        // modulo will automagically wrap around our index
        idx = (i + lastWrittenSample) & buffLen; 
        myRingBuffer->data[idx] = myData[i];

    // Update the current index of our ring buffer.
    myRingBuffer->currentIndex += numsamples;
    myRingBuffer->currentIndex &= myRingBuffer->sizeOfBuffer - 1;

As long as your ring buffer's length is a power of two, the incredibly fast binary "&" operation will wrap around your index for you. For my application, I'm displaying a segment of audio to the user from a ring buffer of audio acquired from a microphone.

I always make sure that the maximum amount of audio that can be displayed on screen is much less than the size of the ring buffer. Otherwise you might be reading and writing from the same chunk. This would likely give you weird display artifacts.

The simplest solution would be to keep track of the item size and the number of items, and then create a buffer of the appropriate number of bytes:

typedef struct circular_buffer
    void *buffer;     // data buffer
    void *buffer_end; // end of data buffer
    size_t capacity;  // maximum number of items in the buffer
    size_t count;     // number of items in the buffer
    size_t sz;        // size of each item in the buffer
    void *head;       // pointer to head
    void *tail;       // pointer to tail
} circular_buffer;

void cb_init(circular_buffer *cb, size_t capacity, size_t sz)
    cb->buffer = malloc(capacity * sz);
    if(cb->buffer == NULL)
        // handle error
    cb->buffer_end = (char *)cb->buffer + capacity * sz;
    cb->capacity = capacity;
    cb->count = 0;
    cb->sz = sz;
    cb->head = cb->buffer;
    cb->tail = cb->buffer;

void cb_free(circular_buffer *cb)
    // clear out other fields too, just to be safe

void cb_push_back(circular_buffer *cb, const void *item)
    if(cb->count == cb->capacity){
        // handle error
    memcpy(cb->head, item, cb->sz);
    cb->head = (char*)cb->head + cb->sz;
    if(cb->head == cb->buffer_end)
        cb->head = cb->buffer;

void cb_pop_front(circular_buffer *cb, void *item)
    if(cb->count == 0){
        // handle error
    memcpy(item, cb->tail, cb->sz);
    cb->tail = (char*)cb->tail + cb->sz;
    if(cb->tail == cb->buffer_end)
        cb->tail = cb->buffer;