How do you get the current text contents of a QComboBox?

PyQt4 can be forced to use a new API in which QString is automatically converted to and from a Python object:

import sip
sip.setapi('QString', 2)

With this API, QtCore.QString class is no longer available and self.ui.comboBox.currentText() will return a Python string or unicode object.

See Selecting Incompatible APIs from the doc.

Getting the Text of ComboBox when the item is changed


  def pass_Net_Adap(self):
      print str(self.ui.comboBox.currentText())

You can convert the QString type to python string by just using the str function. Assuming you are not using any Unicode characters you can get a python string as below:

text = str(combobox1.currentText())

If you are using any unicode characters, you can do:

text = unicode(combobox1.currentText())