How do you Draw Transparent Image using System.Drawing?

It is possible, but not easy.

If you are able to use unsafe code in your project, there are a few methods to use pointers to rip through the colour table and make the transparency work.

A sample forms app by Bob Powell is available at I used a variation on this method in a web handler, and it seemed to work fine.

If you are only using a limited colour palette, you can reduce the colour table processing to just the colours you need (can't remember exactly how I did that...).

That being said, png is substantially easier.

Yes, as Jerome stated, there isn't anyway to create transparent GIF's using a Bitmap object. Crap!

Well, anyway, I changed my code to generate a PNG and all works as expected.

There is one small work around I did need to do since you cannot write PNG's directly to the OutputStream. I needed to write the PNG to a MemoryStream, and then write that out to the OutputStream.

Here's the final code for my implementation:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
  Handles Me.Load
    '' Change the response headers to output a JPEG image.
    Response.ContentType = "image/png"

    Dim width = 11
    Dim height = width

    '' Create a new 32-bit bitmap image
    Dim b = New Bitmap(width, height)

    '' Create Grahpics object for drawing
    Dim g = Graphics.FromImage(b)

    '' Fill the image with a color to be made Transparent after drawing is finished.

    '' Get rectangle where the Circle will be drawn
    Dim rect = New Rectangle(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1)

    '' Draw Circle Border
    Dim bPen = Pens.Black
    g.DrawPie(bPen, rect, 0, 365)

    '' Fill in Circle
    Dim cbrush = New SolidBrush(Color.Red)
    g.FillPie(cbrush, rect, 0, 365)

    '' Clean up

    '' Make Transparent

    '' Write PNG to Memory Stream then write to OutputStream
    Dim ms = New MemoryStream()
    b.Save(ms, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)

End Sub

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to create a transparent Gif using a Bitmap object. (See this KB article)

You can alternatively use the PNG format that supports transparency with the code you are using.