How do you do inheritance in JavaScript without sharing the same instance of the super class between all instances of the sub class?

A common pattern is the following:

A temporary constructor is created, which inherits from the parent constructor's prototype. The child constructor's prototype is then set to an instance of the temporary constructor.

function inherits(Child, Parent) {
    var Tmp = function() {};
    Tmp.prototype = Parent.prototype;
    Child.prototype = new Tmp();
    Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

Inside the child constructor you then have to call the parent's constructor:

function Child(a, b, c) {, a, b);

inherits(Child, Parent);

// add prototype properties here

Inside this function call, this will refer to the new object which gets created when you call new Child(), hence, whatever initialization is performed inside Parent, it is applied to the new object we pass.

But this will create a single instance of the super class and share it among all the instances of the sub class.

Yes, that's how inheritance works in JavaScript.

So is there a way to do this in JavaScript?

Not without horribly subverting/twising/misusing the existing paradigm. I recommend taking a different approach to implementing whatever you're aiming for.

This is how I have always done it.

// Parent object
function Thing(options)
    //do stuff

Thing.prototype.someMethod = function(){
    // some stuff

// child object which inherits from the parent
function OtherThing(options)
{  , options);
    // do stuff for otherthing

OtherThing.prototype = new Thing();

OtherThing.prototype.someMethod = function(){
   // call things original function;

   // now do anything different
   console.log('other thing says hi');

var testObj = new OtherThing();

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