How do view types like Text or Image conform to the View protocol in SwiftUI?

This question was asked on June 6, 2019, during WWDC, when we only had the first beta of Xcode 11 and SwiftUI. So answering this question correctly requires access to that version of SwiftUI. You can download Xcode 11 beta 1 here. (Thank you,!) You are in for an adventure trying to unpack the archive, though, because (I think) it was signed with a certificate that has since expired. I resorted to black magic (stepping through the xip command in LLDB and modifying memory at a key moment to subvert the certificate verification). You could perhaps just set your system time back to June 6, 2019 before unpacking.

Anyway, here's the secret to understanding why Text didn't appear to conform to View: Xcode, and Apple's documentation generator, intentionally omit identifiers in the SDK that start with _.

So if you want to see the full public declaration of a type, you cannot rely on Xcode or the documentation to show it to you. Instead, you have to dig up the .swiftinterface file for the module. For SwiftUI, you can find it here, relative to the directory:


In the Xcode 11 beta 1 version of that file, you won't find a direct conformance Text: View. Instead, you will find this:

@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
extension Text : _UnaryView {
  public static func _makeView(view: _GraphValue<Text>, inputs: _ViewInputs) -> _ViewOutputs
  public typealias Body = Swift.Never

And you will find that _UnaryView is a sub-protocol of View:

@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public protocol _UnaryView : SwiftUI.View where Self.Body : SwiftUI._UnaryView {

So, in Xcode 11 beta 1 and the corresponding iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS betas, Text conforms to View indirectly, through its conformance to _UnaryView. Since _UnaryView is part of the SDK and begins with _, Xcode and the Apple documentation hide that symbol. So you can't see the conformance through normal methods.

At some later point (but still, I believe, during the Xcode 11.0 beta period), Apple eliminated the _UnaryView protocol and made Text conform directly to View. So if you check the SwiftUI .swiftinterface file in Xcode 11.4 (the current version as I write this), you'll find this:

@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
extension Text : SwiftUI.View {
  public static func _makeView(view: SwiftUI._GraphValue<SwiftUI.Text>, inputs: SwiftUI._ViewInputs) -> SwiftUI._ViewOutputs
  public typealias Body = Swift.Never

As you know there are 2 types are Views..

  1. Primitive view: Text, Image, Circle etc
  2. Container view: List, HStack, VStack etc

That said, below is an extension for Text, Body is set to Never which means its not allowed to have a body because it is a primitive view that is meant for ending body cycle.

So,(per my understanding) at runtime SwiftUI wraps Text inside a container view when it finds a primitive view not being inside a container view.

@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
extension Text {

    /// The type of view representing the body of this view.
    /// When you create a custom view, Swift infers this type from your
    /// implementation of the required `body` property.
    public typealias Body = Never