How do not pass locale through ssh

It sounds like your SSH client is configured to forward the locale settings. You can prevent this by altering your configuration (the global file is typically /etc/ssh/ssh_config):

# comment out / remove the following line
SendEnv LANG LC_*

Alternatively you can change the configuration of the server, by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote machine (note the d in sshd_config):

# comment out / remove the following line
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*

In short:

$ touch ~/.ssh/config
$ ssh -F ~/.ssh/config your_user@your_host

See this answer for details.

As already explained in other answers, the client will send all environment variables specified via SendEnv in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. You can also force ssh to not send already defined variable names, using your user's configuration.

From OpenSSH man page:

It is possible to clear previously set SendEnv variable names by prefixing patterns with -. The default is not to send any environment variables.

So, to prevent sending your locale, you can put the following into your ~/.ssh/config:

SendEnv -LC_* -LANG*


