How do I work around JavaScript's parseInt octal behavior?

This is a common Javascript gotcha with a simple solution:

Just specify the base, or 'radix', like so:

parseInt('08',10); // 8

You could also use Number:

Number('08'); // 8

If you know your value will be in the signed 32 bit integer range, then ~~x will do the correct thing in all scenarios.

~~"08" === 8
~~"foobar" === 0
~~(1.99) === 1
~~(-1.99)  === -1

If you look up binary not (~), the spec requires a "ToInt32" conversion for the argument which does the obvious conversion to an Int32 and is specified to coerce NaN values to zero.

Yes, this is incredibly hackish but is so convenient...

From the parseInt documentation, use the optional radix argument to specify base-10:

parseInt('08', 10); //equals 8
parseInt('09', 10); //equals 9

This strikes me as pedantic, confusing, and verbose (really, an extra argument in every single parseInt?) so I'm hoping there is a Better Way.