How do I unwrap an Optional when pattern matching tuples in Swift?

You can use the x? pattern:

case (1990...2015, let unwrappedUrl?):
    print("Current year is \(year), go to: \(unwrappedUrl)")

x? is just a shortcut for .some(x), so this is equivalent to

case (1990...2015, let .some(unwrappedUrl)):
    print("Current year is \(year), go to: \(unwrappedUrl)")

with a switch case you can unwrap (when needed) and also evaluate the unwrapped values (by using where) in the same case.

Like this:

let a: Bool? = nil
let b: Bool? = true

switch (a, b) {
case let (unwrappedA?, unwrappedB?) where unwrappedA || unwrappedB:
  print ("A and B are not nil, either A or B is true")
case let (unwrappedA?, nil) where unwrappedA:
  print ("A is True, B is nil")
case let (nil, unwrappedB?) where unwrappedB:
  print ("A is nil, B is True")
  print("default case")