How do I turn off the beep in the terminal in Linux?

Solution 1:

Easiest fix: put

set prefer-visible-bell on

in your ~/.inputrc.

This however will only work for applications using the readline library (this includes Bash). Other applications may still decide to beep at you.

If you want to disable all beeping, you will have to do it in the terminal. How to do this depends on your terminal. In xterm it's option -vb (also works in many other terminals, e.g. in rxvt). Most graphical terminals have a config option for this.

Also see the Visible bell mini-Howto for all the dirty details.

Solution 2:

As the pc speaker is annoying altogether (at least, I think it is), I just go

modprobe -r pcspkr

and add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf like this:

blacklist pcspkr

No more beeps. Ever.

Does not work for bells through /dev/snd/*, obviously

Solution 3:

$ setterm -blength 0

You'll want to add this to your Bash profile.

Solution 4:

from cybercity:

  • Open Gnome terminal
  • Click on Settings > Preferences > Silence Terminal Bell

Solution 5:

In addition to the setterm and GNOME settings solutions already suggested there are the following:

If running X, open an xterm and enter xset b off.

To disable system bell in Bash startup edit ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc and add the line set bell-style none or set bell-style visual if you want a screen flash.

There's a good article on this here.