How do I turn off git autocorrect?

To see the setting of autocorrect, type:

git config help.autocorrect

Per the docs:

help.autocorrect is actually an integer which represents tenths of a second. So if you set it to 50, Git will give you 5 seconds to change your mind before executing the autocorrected command.

To turn this off, use the command:

git config --global help.autocorrect 0

FWIW, you may also use -c help.autocorrect=0 as a parameter to any Git command. For example:

git -c help.autocorrect=0 svn find-rev 5e2272613fa

It is useful for scripts as you don't modify the environment you are running in.

In this case, unless git-svn is installed, Git would fail to recognize the svn command and try to fall back to serve instead, which might be disastrous in a script.