How do I target DOM elements inside a react component, or should I avoid targeting DOM elements all together?

How do I target DOM elements inside a react component?

As per React's official docs, you can access the dom elements by using refs. You have to create a ref by using the React.createRef() call.

Should I avoid targeting DOM elements altogether?

Traversing the dom to fetch a particular dom element is not a good practice with React as it will cause a performance issue. However, react allows an alternative way to do the same by using createRef().

Can I make this functionality work without having to count the elements inside the render function and without having to use document.querySelectorAll?

Yes, consider the following steps to implement this:

Inside the constructor, create a ref for parentContainer like this:


Then use parentContainer ref in render:

    <div onMouseMove={this._testFunction} id="ParentContainer" 
      ref={this.ParentContainer} >

Inside test component, use this.parentContainer as:

//replace this 
//var spans = document.getElementById('ParentContainer').querySelectorAll('section');
//with this
  var spans = this.parentContainer.current.childNodes;

You can check it here


Any thoughts on how I can work around having to use the let counter inside the render function

You can define returnCustomProp outside render like this: (Here you will need to pass the index of each section instead of a this reference)

    returnCustomProp = (index)=> {
      let x = 0;
      if(this.state.customProperties[index]) {
          x = this.state.customProperties[index].x;
      let y = 0;
      if(this.state.customProperties[index]) {
          y = this.state.customProperties[index].y;
      return "customProperty("+x+" "+y+")";

And use it with section like this:

   <section custom={returnCustomProp(0)}>
            <b>Custom content for part 1</b>
            <i>Could be way different from all the other elements</i>
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(1)}>
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(2)}>
                All content can differ internally so I'm unable to create a generic element and loop trough that
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(3)}>
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(4)}>
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(5)}>
                    This is just test data, the actual data has no divs nested inside sections
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(6)}>
        <section custom={returnCustomProp(7)}>


