How do I switch to another subversion branch in Intellij?

For noobs like me that checked the "don't show this again" box in the beginning, and don't have the subversion update dialog prompting anymore, try this:

  1. Use the command menu "Version Control" -> Show Changes View
  2. In this view, go to tab "Subversion Working Copies Information"
  3. Here you should find a "Configure Branches" link were you should be able to switch trunk & branches

If I may say, this seems quite complex, if anyone has better, I would be glad to hear :-)

Just use the "Subversion" -> "Update Directory..." with options. In case the "Update options" dialog is turned off, here is how one can move it back:

  1. Go to: "Settings" -> "Version Control" -> "Confirmation"
  2. Check the box "Display options dialog ..." for "Update"

Just discovered switching branches is done using the update dialog (VCS -> Update Project, ⌘T), where I can select any branch, tag or revision I want.

If like me you hit "configure branches", and then chose the path of the branch you want - this is wrong! when in "configure branches" you need to select the path one level up from there

hopefully this helps someone like me...