How do I Seed random number generator on official Tour of Go?

By default rand.Intn uses the globalRand.Intn. Its created internally, refer here. So when you set via rand.Seed


Then globalRand uses the new seed value.

When needed you can create your own rand generator with seed value. Refer to godoc example.

Play Link (without seed):


My favorite number is 1
My favorite number is 7
My favorite number is 7
My favorite number is 9
My favorite number is 1
My favorite number is 8
My favorite number is 5
My favorite number is 0
My favorite number is 6

Play Link (with seed):


My favorite number is 0
My favorite number is 8
My favorite number is 7
My favorite number is 2
My favorite number is 3
My favorite number is 9
My favorite number is 4
My favorite number is 7
My favorite number is 8


As @AlexanderTrakhimenok mentioned, in playground program execution is deterministic. However, the playground doesn't stop you from supplying rand.Seed value.

Remember Seed value is int64.

When you rand.Intn, it uses default seed value 1 for globalRand.

var globalRand = New(&lockedSource{src: NewSource(1).(Source64)})

And in playground time.Now().UTC().UnixNano() gives you same value 1257894000000000000 since the start time is locked to a constant. But it is different from default seed value, that's why second playground link produces the different result.

So above two would produce the same result always.

How should we change the result in playground?

Yes, we can. Let's supply UnixNano() value 1500909006430687579 to rand.Seed, which is generated from my machine.

Play Link:


My favorite number is 3
My favorite number is 5
My favorite number is 3
My favorite number is 8
My favorite number is 0
My favorite number is 5
My favorite number is 4
My favorite number is 7
My favorite number is 1

As you quoted yourself:

the environment in which these programs are executed is deterministic.

So the Go Playground by design does not allow to create truly pseudo-random outputs.

This is done intentionally for purpose of caching results to minimize CPU/memory usage for consequent runs. So the engine can evaluate your program just once and serve the same cached output every time when you or anyone else run it again.

For the same purpose the start time is locked to a constant.

You may want to read a blog post on how and why it's implemented this way: