How do I repeat a theorem number?

If you want to allow yourself to vary the text between the two occurrences, here's an alternative:



 \def\rep@title{#2 \ref{##1}}%



That theorem again

A theorem
A lemma

That theorem again


Probably needs a little tweaking to suit different theorem styles and the like.

What about the thmtools bundle? Check out page 6 of the guide: there's a 'restatable' environment.

Here's a solution I like even though it's not very clever. You simply temporarily redefine \thetheorem (or in your case, \thethm):

% in the introduction
  Lorem ipsum ...
} % note: these braces are here to take advantage of LaTeX scoping ... 
  % \thetheorem is returned to its rightful definition outside of this group

% elsewhere
\begin{theorem} \label{thm:associativity}
  Lorem ipsum ...

You can also define an environment on the same principle

% repeat theorems, with amsthm 
% args = type,counter,reference
  \expandafter\def\csname the#2\endcsname{\ref{#3}} 