How do I put a die roll at the top of each page?

I replaced the original answer to combine dice and pre-generated headers. First is the main file:


\input{dice}% file containing shape definitions

\chead{\csname dice\Roman{page}\endcsname}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dice macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\newcommand{\createdice}[1]% #1 = tikz path
\expandafter\def\csname dice\Roman{dice}\endcsname{
\path #1;

% macros for nodes, #1 = dice value


\input{random}% file containing random dice throws



Test dice macros:\vfil

\path (0,0) \fourside{1}
 (1.5,0) \sixside{2}
 (3,0) \eightside{3}
 (4.5,0) \tenside{4}
 (6,0) \tenside{50}
 (7.5,0) \twelveside{6}
 (9,0) \twentyside{7};

To draw the dodecahedron, first draw a decagon by placing a vertex
on a circle with a 1 cm diameter every $36^\circ$.
Since the bottom vertex is also part of a pentagon, given the
aspect ratio of the wide half to the narrow half (1.77)
we can compute the $y$ coordinate of the top edge of this pentagon
(-0.332 cm).
Since the two vertexes on this edge are in a straight line 
from the center at $-36^\circ$ and $-144^\circ$, 
the radius of the interior pentagon is given by
r = \frac{0.332 \textrm{ cm}}{\sin(36^\circ)} = 0.349 \textrm{ cm.}

To draw the icosahedron, first draw a hexagon by placing a vertex
on a circle with a 1 cm diameter every $60^\circ$.  
Except for the center triangle, every edge is foreshortened,
so we need to calculate the apparent length of one of the lines
connecting the outer hexagon to the interior triangle.

Consider a pentagonal pyramid inscribed in a 1 cm diameter circle
whose cross section is shown below
\draw (0,0) coordinate(A) --node[midway,below]{0.905 cm}
 (3.62,0) coordinate(B) --node[midway,above right]{0.577 cm}
 (1.624,1.16) coordinate(C) --node[midway,above left]{0.499 cm}
\draw (.5,0) arc(0:35.3:.5);
\draw (3.12,0) arc(180:149.8:.5);
where a face is to the left and an edge is to the right.
Using the law of cosines, one can calculate the two angles
($35.5^\circ$ and $30.2^\circ$).  
So if the face (left) is perpendicular to the viewer, the edge (right)
will be foreshortened by $\cos(65.7^\circ)$.
Finally, if each triangle is inscribed into a circle of radius $r$,
each edge will be $2r\cos(30^\circ)$ and the total distance from the
center to the outside circle is given by
r + 2r\cos(30^\circ)\cos(65.7^\circ) = 1.71 r = 0.5\textrm{ cm}
and therefore $r = 0.292$ cm.


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Next is the file dice.tex containing the dice definitions:

% tetrahedron

\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}    % within the node, (0,0) is the center

\anchor{text}   % this is used to center the text in the node

\foregroundpath{ % draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw rectangle

% cubic

\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}    % within the node, (0,0) is the center

\anchor{text}   % this is used to center the text in the node

\foregroundpath{ % draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw rectangle

% octahedron

\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}    % within the node, (0,0) is the center

\anchor{text}   % this is used to center the text in the node

\foregroundpath{ % draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw interiaor

% decahedron

\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}    % within the node, (0,0) is the center

\anchor{text}   % this is used to center the text in the node

\foregroundpath{ % draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw interiaor

% dodecahedron

\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}    % within the node, (0,0) is the center

\anchor{text}   % this is used to center the text in the node

\foregroundpath{ % draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw interiaor

% icosohedron

anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin} % within the node, (0,0) is the center

anchor{text}    % this is used to center the text in the node

\foregroundpath{ % draw border
 \pgfusepath{draw}  %draw interiaor

Last is the file random.tex containing the pre-generated random dice. This was generated using a C program, so I could have as easily cranked out 100 as 1. While it is possible to do calculations using LaTeX, WHY?

\createdice{(0,0) \tenside{20}
(1.5,0) \tenside{7}}
\createdice{(0,0) \tenside{20}
(1.5,0) \tenside{6}}
\createdice{(0,0) \tenside{60}
(1.5,0) \tenside{4}}
\createdice{(0,0) \tenside{30}
(1.5,0) \tenside{0}}


You can use the background package to put things on every page, the rest is done by TikZ:




{   contents=%
    {   \begin{tikzpicture}
        [   overlay,
            remember picture,
            wx/.style={draw,regular polygon, minimum size=1.5cm, above,fill=red!10,thick},
            w4820/.style={wx, regular polygon sides=3},
            w6/.style={wx, regular polygon sides=4},
            w12/.style={wx, regular polygon sides=5},
            w10/.style={wx, kite,kite vertex angles=100 and 60,minimum size=1cm},
            line join=round,
            \node[w4820] at ($(current page.north west)+(4,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,4)}\pgfmathresult};
            \node[w6] at ($(current page.north west)+(6,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,6)}\pgfmathresult};
            \node[w4820] at ($(current page.north west)+(8,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,8)}\pgfmathresult};
            \node[w10] at ($(current page.north west)+(10,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,10)}\pgfmathresult};
            \node[w12] at ($(current page.north west)+(12,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,12)}\pgfmathresult};
            \node[w4820] at ($(current page.north west)+(14,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,20)}\pgfmathresult};





enter image description here

Edit 1

Here's finally an automatic version. It checks the total number of pages, and then draws the dices, the values equally distributed, and does not draw any further if there's no more room for an other set.

The dices are supposed to be, from left to right, d4, d6, d8, d10,d12 and d20.

As it turns out, most d10 of people I know actually use the "inverted" kite.

To use different dice, just change the values in the for lop in \setinitialdicevalues, e.g. \foreach \x [count=\c] in {6,10,12,20,24,30} and provide fitting syles in the tikzpicture, e.g. add stlyes w24and w30




{   \xdef\dicedata{+}
    \foreach \x [count=\c] in {4,6,8,10,12,20}
    {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxsets}{(\totvalue{page}-1)/\x}
        \ifthenelse{\maxsets > 0}
        {   \foreach \y in {1,...,\maxpage}
            {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mytempvalue}{mod(\y-1,\x)+1}
            \foreach \y in {\maxpage,...,1}
            {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\nei}{random(1,\y)}
        {   \xdef\dicedata{\dicedata0++}

{ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\lowerindex}{2*#1}%

{   contents=%
    {   \begin{tikzpicture}
        [   overlay,
            remember picture,
            wx/.style={draw, minimum size=1.5cm, above,fill=red,font=\bfseries\selectfont,text=white,rounded corners=0.5mm,inner sep=1pt},
            w4/.style={wx, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3},
            w6/.style={wx, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4},
            w10/.style={wx, kite,kite vertex angles=100 and 60,minimum size=1cm,shape border rotate=180},
            w12/.style={wx, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=5},
            \foreach \x [count=\c] in {4,6,8,10,12,20}
            {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\lowerindex}{2*\c-1}
                \ifthenelse{\value{page} < \firstemptypage}
                {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\lowerindex}{2*\c}%
                    \node[w\x] at ($(current page.north west)+(2+2*\c,-2)$) {\mynextnumber};
                    %\node[w\x] at ($(current page.north west)+(2+2*\c,-2)$) {\pgfmathparse{random(1,\x)}\pgfmathresult};               



total pages: \pgfmathparse{int(\totvalue{page}-1)}\pgfmathresult\bigskip




This is page 31 of 37. So we see d4, d6, d8 and d12, but not d10 (last on page 30) or d20 (last on page 20).

enter image description here

While my preferred style is to use C for calculations and LaTeX for typesetting, there is enough general interest in random numbers that I decided to make my own LaTeX PRNG (pseudo random number generator).


\input{random}% file containig PRNG
\input{dice}% file containing shape definitions

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% header macro %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\newcommand{\makedice}% random dice and random throws
\test = \c@rand
 \advance\c@rand by\@ne
 \path node[fourside,draw=black]{\arabic{rand}};
\else \ifnum\test=1{
 \advance\c@rand by\@ne
 \path node[sixside,draw=black]{\arabic{rand}};
\else \ifnum\test=2{
 \advance\c@rand by\@ne
 \path node[eightside,draw=black]{\arabic{rand}};
\else \ifnum\test=3{
 \path node[tenside,draw=black]{\arabic{rand}};
\else \ifnum\test=4{
 \path (0,0) node[tenside,draw=black]{\dice}
  (1.5,0) node[tenside,draw=black]{\arabic{rand}};
\else \ifnum\test=5{
 \advance\c@rand by\@ne
 \path node[twelveside,draw=black]{\arabic{rand}};
\else {
 \advance\c@rand by\@ne
 \path node[twentyside,draw=black]{\scriptsize\arabic{rand}};
} \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi}



Test dice nodes:

\path (0,0) node[fourside,draw=black]{1}
 (1.5,0) node[sixside,draw=black]{2}
 (3,0) node[eightside,draw=black]{3}
 (4.5,0) node[tenside,draw=black]{4}
 (6,0) node[tenside,draw=black]{50}
 (7.5,0) node[twelveside,draw=black]{6}
 (9,0) node[twentyside,draw=black]{\scriptsize 7};
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The file dice.tex is the same as before, but now file random.tex contains the PRNG.

% The following is taken from \cite{Numerical Recipes in C}.
% The resulting MAX_RAND = 134456
% Proven good statistics (relatively speaking) but designed for speed.
% Added 8 entry shuffle (32 seemed a bit much).
% Output through counter rand
% \randinit required for initialization
% \setrand{n} outputs rand between 0 and (n-1)
% \nextrand uses same scale computed by last \setrand

\newcounter{rand}% scaled random number
\newcounter{randk}% used by shuffle

\im = 134456
\ia = 8121
\ic = 28411


\def\step@rand{% computes next value for \idum (internal only)
 \global\multiply\idum by\ia
 \global\advance\idum by\ic
 \global\temp = \idum% compute idum mod im
 \global\divide\temp by\im
 \global\multiply\temp by\im
 \global\advance\idum by -\temp

\shuffle = 16807

\def\shuffle@rand{% random shuffle (internal only)
 \c@randk = \idum
 \divide\c@randk by\shuffle
 \advance\c@randk by\@ne
 \global\c@rand = \csname store\Alph{randk}\endcsname
 \global\csname store\Alph{randk}\endcsname = \hold
 \global\hold = \idum

\newcommand{\randinit}{% required to initialize PRNG
 \global\idum = \day% seed uses number of minutes since start of month
 \global\multiply\idum by 1440
 \global\advance\idum by \time
 \step@rand% warmup
 \global\storeA = \idum% fill shuffle array
 \global\storeB = \idum
 \global\storeC = \idum
 \global\storeD = \idum
 \global\storeE = \idum
 \global\storeF = \idum
 \global\storeG = \idum
 \global\storeH = \idum
 \global\hold = \idum


\newcommand{\setrand}[1]{% scales rand between 0 and (#1 -1)
 \global\scale = \@ne% To obtain unscaled numbers, use \setrand{0}
 \ifnum #1 > \z@ \ifnum #1 < \im
   \global\scale = \im% compute im/#1 rounded up
   \global\advance\scale by -\@ne
   \global\advance\scale by #1\relax
   \global\divide\scale by #1\relax
 \fi \fi
 \global\divide\c@rand by\scale

\newcommand{\nextrand}{% uses same scale as before
 \global\divide\c@rand by\scale