How do I publish a grails 3 plugin to my local nexus repo?

I figured it out with help from Ryan Vanderwerf at who writes that there are a bunch of spring-boot dependencies that don't have versions in them and that causes gradle to freak out. To workaround it, strip out all dependencies in the pom that doesn't have versions:

publishing {
    publications {
        mavenJar(MavenPublication) {
            pom.withXml {
                def pomNode = asNode()
                pomNode.dependencyManagement.replaceNode {}

                // simply remove dependencies without a version
                // version-less dependencies are handled with dependencyManagement
                // see for more complete solutions
                pomNode.dependencies.dependency.findAll {
                }.each {
                    it.replaceNode {}
    repositories {
        maven {
            credentials {
                username "username"
                password "password"
            url "http://localhost/repo"

then you can use grails publish-plugin or gradle publish to publish your plugin

related SO question: Grails 3 - How to publish to Artifactory