How do I open WebStorm from terminal?

After opening a ticket with Jetbrains support, the default path is /usr/local/bin. Adding this worked.

JetBrains Toolbox Shell Script

It's actually very easy. First you open up Webstorm, and press SHIFT twice. This will bring up a search box, where you type: Create Command Line Launcher. You will see a search result from Tools will be highlighted, click on it, and it will suggest the default path. Just click on Ok. Your command line launcher is now ready, so you can open terminal, cd to your project root folder, and type webstorm ./ to launch webstorm.

If the Create Command Line Launcher option is not working, try the following: If you are on MacOS, try adding the path as instructed in their official page. And if you are on Linux, just uninstall the current version and reinstall as a snap package using sudo snap install webstorm --classic. This way, you can launch it from the terminal just by typing webstorm


