How do I modify my Git Bash profile in Windows?

When you open up your Git Bash, you should be in your home directory by default. Now create the .bashrc file (if on Windows 7 the file should be named .bashrc.).

If you're not in the home directory, change into it by typing:


and pressing Enter. cd, without any other parameters listed after, will always return the home directory.

You can create the file by typing:

touch .bashrc

Then edit it with Vim or you could try doing it with some Windows editor, but I don't recommend it, because of some text formatting issues.

vim .bashrc

Change to Insert Mode by hitting the i key.

Add your alias by typing:

alias gs='git status'

Exit the insert mode by hitting the Esc key.

Save and close your file by typing the following :wqEnter.

:wEnter will only save your file.

:q!Enter will quit the editor without saving your file.

Finally, update the file to use your new changes by typing:

source .bashrc

You can put .bash_profile in your user directory: C:\Users\<username>.

You can also create some git-only aliases so you can do just git st for git status by adding these lines to C:\Users\<username>\.gitconfig:

st = status

Some other useful aliases:

cm = commit -m
cma = commit -a -m
br = branch
co = checkout
df = diff
ls = ls-files
sh = stash
sha = stash apply
shp = stash pop
shl = stash list
mg = merge
ph = push -u