How do I log unique authors in git?

I needed to get the authors and committers so below is the to helpful commands.

code below gets you the author name (%an) and author email (%ae) in this format

personName - [email protected]

git log --format="%an - %ae" | sort -u
git log --format="%cn - %ce" | sort -u

Here's one easy way:

git log --format="%an" | sort -u

Try out this one:

 git shortlog -s | awk '{print $2,$3}' | sort -fu

Edit: This will get you the emails as well

git shortlog -se | sed -re 's/^\s*[[:digit:]]*\s*//' | sort -fu

or, on macOS without the -r flag - highlighted by Oliver in comments below - would be:

git shortlog -se | sed -e 's/^\s*[[:digit:]]*\s*//' | sort -fu

