How do I kill processes older than "t"?

Solution 1:

GNU Killall can kill processes older than a given age, using their processname.

if [[ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]];then killall --older-than 1h;fi

Solution 2:

Thanks to Christopher's answer I was able to adapt it to the following:

find /proc -maxdepth 1 -user apache -type d -mmin +60 -exec basename {} \; \
| xargs ps | grep | awk '{ print $1 }' | sudo xargs kill

-mmin was the find command I was missing.

Solution 3:

find doesnt always work, not every system has etimes available, and it might be my regex newb status, but I dont think you need anything more than this:

ps -eo pid,etimes,comm,user,tty | awk '{if ($4 ~ /builder/ && $5 ~ /pts/ && $2>600) print $1}'
  • list all processes and provide columns PID,ELAPSED(etimes = seconds), COMMAND, USER, TT (thanks @ahoffman)
  • with awk print the PID where the 4th column ($4, USER) contains text 'builder', and 5th column ($5, TT) contains text 'pts' and the ELAPSED column has a value larger than 600 sec (thanks @amtd)

you can then pipe that to kill or whatever your need may be.

Solution 4:

# get elapsed time in seconds, filter our only those who >= 3600 sec
ps axh -O etimes  | awk '{if ($2 >= 3600) print $2}'

If you want you can feed ps with list of PIDs to lookup within, for e. g.:

ps h -O etimes 1 2 3

Solution 5:

I think you can modify some of those previous answers to fit your needs. Namely:

for FILE in (find . -maxdepth 1 -user processuser -type d -mmin +60)
  do kill -9 $(basename $FILE) # I can never get basename to work with find's exec.  Let me know if you know how!


ps -eo pid,etime,comm | awk '$2!~/^..:..$/ && $3~/page\.py/ { print $1}' | kill -9

I think the second may best fit your needs. The find version would wind up nuking other processes by that user

--Christopher Karel