How do I import a Python lambda layer?

So I've recently ran into this issue, and I believe I found a cleaner way to import your layers.

First for the structure of the zip file which you upload:

  • You do not need an file
  • Put all the scripts which you want to import into a folder name python
  • Zip up that python folder (choose any name you want) and upload it to your layer
  • Once uploaded, and the layer has been configured in your lambda function, you can simply use it with import {filename}

So if your script in the python folder was called something like, import it in your lambda with import custom_helper.

I am not sure if this is the clean way to do it, but it seems simple enough to start.

Your zip file should have the following structure:


That is, it needs a folder named Python, and within that a folder named lib, and within that a folder named python3.7, and within that a folder named site-packages. Anything inside that folder will be available for import.

(If you're using another version of Python, that version should be in the path instead of 3.7)