How do I highlight a search result in tmux?

According to the developer1, this isn't currently possible in tmux.


This feature appears to have been added in tmux version 2.4 and later.

Looking through tmux's release notes:

    CHANGES FROM 2.3 TO 2.4, 20 April 2017
     * All occurrences of a search string in copy mode are now highlighted;
       additionally, the number of search results is displayed. The highlighting
       updates interactively with the default emacs key bindings (incremental

I can confirm that highlighting doesn't work in tmux version 2.2, which I was using previously.

I know this article is a little outdated so I thought I might follow up with a possible solution, because I was recently looking for this and think I might have found a solution.

set-window-option -g mode-fg colour3
set-window-option -g mode-bg colour0