How do I get \texttt with bold face in LaTeX?

There are the Latin Modern Fonts, from their README:

The fonts are based on Donald E. Knuth's Computer Modern fonts in the PostScript Type 1 format

In family lmtt, there are even three series:

% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
\fontseries{l}\selectfont light
\fontseries{m}\selectfont medium
\fontseries{b}\selectfont bold


They are also available in OpenType font format with a math version.

The number of glyphs is dramatically increased in comparison to the old Computer Modern fonts.

Thus indeed much has happened in the last twenty years.

I just ran across it and found a simpler answer here:

\texttt{TT Text \textbf{Bold TT Text}}

Use Bera Mono:

\usepackage{libertine}%% Only as example for the romans/sans fonts